Resonance Frequency

Welcome back to The Holistic Defender, once again Ia am your inexplicably optimistic, blogger host ARMENKA! Ahem. Excuse the caps, I just love today’s topic. And I’m also a bit frustrated. (Trying to get good things to happen is hard work) But, writing in this blog and helping further people toward true ascension gives me great pleasure…but not more than sloppy sex. Haha! Just kidding…sorta.

Anyway, today’s topic is resonance. Resonance is the feeling you get when you get from a person, place, or other entity resulting in immediate comfort, longing, or various feelings. (like romance or vibration, etc etc) You should definitely learn which things in the current world you live in resonate with you and which things do not. Including laws, credos, and other things that may have been pushed onto you as a youth or adult. Take all the things that you have been taught and see if they truly match with you. And if they don’t: BLOW THAT SHIT AWAY!! You don’t need unnecessary things polluting your personal reality. Focus on the path set for you and only you. This includes all the magicks, gods, demons, angels, social norms, systems and even religions that affect you. Transform all the influences in your life into your own personal beliefs, your own personal bible full of experience and wisdom. You are gods, you are infinite. Enjoy this limited life, because it only makes discovering being limitless that much more exciting. Heheh.

Peace to you all.



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