Resonance Frequency

Welcome back to The Holistic Defender, once again Ia am your inexplicably optimistic, blogger host ARMENKA! Ahem. Excuse the caps, I just love today’s topic. And I’m also a bit frustrated. (Trying to get good things to happen is hard work) But, writing in this blog and helping further people toward true ascension gives me great pleasure…but not more than sloppy sex. Haha! Just kidding…sorta.

Anyway, today’s topic is resonance. Resonance is the feeling you get when you get from a person, place, or other entity resulting in immediate comfort, longing, or various feelings. (like romance or vibration, etc etc) You should definitely learn which things in the current world you live in resonate with you and which things do not. Including laws, credos, and other things that may have been pushed onto you as a youth or adult. Take all the things that you have been taught and see if they truly match with you. And if they don’t: BLOW THAT SHIT AWAY!! You don’t need unnecessary things polluting your personal reality. Focus on the path set for you and only you. This includes all the magicks, gods, demons, angels, social norms, systems and even religions that affect you. Transform all the influences in your life into your own personal beliefs, your own personal bible full of experience and wisdom. You are gods, you are infinite. Enjoy this limited life, because it only makes discovering being limitless that much more exciting. Heheh.

Peace to you all.



The First Step: Belief. (And Mad-Cap Fits of Laughter)

Hello my siblings in evolution! This is once again your (hopefully) favorite blogger-master of the ages, Armenka! If you read my first blog, you now know the true nature of the organization I work for: THD :)!! Well, now let’s get to the meaty stuff! (Yummmm.) In the beginning of evolution, there must first be a catalyst. For the Universe it was God (depends on your definition of God) and for you it shall be first inquisition and then total belief. Belief in what? Everything. Yep. The whole she-bang! Angels, demons, unaligned beings, gods, goddesses and much more! This belief will enable you to have access to your true nature, along with the perks they come with. (Which may include but are not limited to: supernatural healing, telekinesis, telepathy, clairvoyance, channeling, astral projection and much more!)

Now, if you thought what I just said was the most insane thing you’ve ever heard in your life, take a note from my good friend Xander. Ask yourself “How the hell do I exist?!”. Science cannot cover everything. And if you think about it, people, animals, and nature itself is just too majestic and breathtaking to be explained by total rationality. There is more out there than just you, yourself, and your goals, In the universe there is a network of beings all trying to exist and ultimately progress…and have a helluva lot of fun while they’re at it.

So my main point? Believe in the extra-ordinary and also in yourself. Since we are all created from and born from the essence of God, we are all gods. We can do anything we want, make anything happen, love whoever we wish, be whoever we wish. There is no limit at all to what you can be. The only limitations are the ones you impose upon yourself. Open your eyes. Reach within. And decide for yourself whether you want to continue this journey. No matter what the choice THD and I, Armenka, will be by your side.

Much love.


Your New Genesis

Welcome friends to the Holistic Defender (THD). I am Armenka, your eccentric blogger-master, and this is your introduction into a world of mystery, discovery, and infinite possibilities. THD is a multimedia entity whose sole purpose is to shatter the limitations of all those who affiliate themselves with our banner. In other words, THD is a reactant in the formula of evolution. We promise to give you the information you need to be come everything you ever wished for. We earnestly wish to help you become self-sufficient beings. Beings free from the things that you were forced to follow as children and even as young adults. We believe it is time that you forge your own path. A path that will tell you to look within the deeper chambers of your lovely souls and find out what kind of uniqueness you are.

And this blog is not only for teens looking for rebellion or solace. Some of you may have suffered from abuse, some are with low self-esteem, some have tasted milk and honey, and some may be contemplating a bloody end by their own hands. So, I will tell you this now. Before you venture back into the world, look past the circumstances of this reality. All of you are beautiful souls, priceless in nature and even though I do not know you all (yet), every single one of you is important to my heart. I say now, ANYONE who feels like they have had to inhibit their true selves for the sake of parents, religion, politics, society, lovers, peer pressure or whatever kind of influence is welcome to THD now and forever.

THD is a place of escape and ascension. We are here to help you excel to your highest level. Each and every one of you. Beyond the bounty of stars, moons, quasars, and galaxies. THD is blog and future place where we nurture individuals who. are. INFINITE.